The Christmas Village Welcomes The Lazona House
The best package came in the mail today...
our newest edition of the Nielson Christmas Village!
Introducing the Lazona Estate!
We resided in this darling r...
1 week ago
My kids will be protected....
I'm glad you didn't offer me a reward. I'd go nuts trying to figure it all out just to win a prize.
my kids will think your touching a gold crown
my kids will think your touching an outhouse
my kids will think youre touching a camels butt
if it takes more than a day you double the bounty
my kids will think your touching a old house. this is sams guess.
my kids will think your touching a old house. this is sams guess.
my kids will think your touching a old house. this is sams guess.
alyssa thinks your touching an old mouse
WHAT IS IT??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
alyssa. my kids will think you are touching old crowns.
my kids will think your touching the flowers. by alyssa
my kids will think youre touching thier flowers. by Alyssa
my kids will think you are touching a mammel or a old mammel. from jeremy
ym kids will think your touching ode hounds
my kids will think your touching ode couns
my kids are missing you suzanne
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