Asking Suzanne about the laws here...."oh, Just be careful..." So, although, no cameras was "strongly suggested" i.e. printed on the tickets, we have for your pleasure a couple of Neilviews! Helps if you have feminine products in your purse and you go through the line with all the boys, (cameras fit in the overnight pads).

An excellent evening! FYI, looking forward to his arrival in SLC, December 19th, where Clarissa will become an official
Diamond Girl.
Another generation to love! Can't wait to share it with her!!!
I got my first BUI warning, I promise I will keep it clean from here on out for all the kiddies.
**Spoiler Alert!**
For all you SLC concert goers, solely because my sister is a freak of nature and remembered each song in it's order.
1. Holy, Holy
2. Beautiful Noise
3. Love on the Rocks
4. Play Me
5. Cherry, Cherry
6. Thank the Lord for the Nighttime
7. Home Before Dark
8. Don't Go There
9. Pretty Amazing Grace
10. Crunchy Granola Sweet
11. Hot August Night
12. Brooklyn Road
13. I Am, I Said
14. Solitary Man
15. Forever In Blue Jeans
16. Sweet Caroline
17. You Don't Bring Me Flowers
18. I'm A Believer
19. Man of God
20. Hell Yeah
21. Cracklin Rose
22. Coming To America
23. Brother Love Traveling Show
p.s. bring your own vocals for the sweet caroline version that he does at least 11 times, audience participation required!
I hope he doesn't just do a Christmas Concert like he has been known to do in SLC in December.
What a memory that sister of yours has. Who needs a program, with her there.
If one has had a hysterectomy where do they sneak their camera in their bag...(?)
You don’t wear a dress when we go out!! I bet you had great dreams. Have fun. The kids will be back today at 1:00 so that we can go to the football game. Enjoy.
Brian L.
Thank you for clarifying which Brian, I wasn't sure...Brian L. I have so many Brian's in my life Brian.
And you really were looking very close at that picture to notice I was wearing a dress. I love you!
i cant wait to go to the concert with you love yahh
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