Sometimes my kids surprise me; in such a pleasant and beautiful way. The way that Gavin did with this short story, which he read to me on the way taking him to school Tuesday morning. I haven't stopped thinking of the beautiful message, in particular the following quote: "The way home would now be a more frightening journey then before. But determined Ms. Twiller realized that having a negative attitude would get her nowhere. Her attitude was now more positive and she embraced the new quest as an exciting adventure."
To hear him read this touched me in a delightful way. To be positive while on our journey here, hopeful to return home, and embracing the adventures that life brings.
I wanted to share this story, and to let Gavin know how beautiful his rhetoric is. Enjoy:
The Snowstorm Story
The sun peeked into the room and noticed Ms. Twiller making her morning coffee. She poured the blazing hot liquid into her china cup with such confidence, as if she knew that not a single drop would land on the silky white linen. The sun gently let her feel his presence by placing its finger on the tip of her knuckle. She knew now that it was nearing the time for her to leave to the market to pick up some necessary groceries so that she could make a scrumpteous apple pie to deliver to poor old Mr. Peter Lioness who lived just down the lane.
Ms. Twiller felt she had to “take care” of Peter during his struggles. She knew that her delicious apple pie would without a doubt cheer Mr. Lioness up. So Mrs. Twiller went around back to get McGuire the donkey. The winter’s snow was crisp and the dry air was brisk which really cleaned out her sinuses. The deep show had almost reached 3 feet. She hoped that she would a make it back in time to beat the next storm before it reached her. McGuire brayed and they were off on a dangerous but familiar trek.
A few hours passed and Ms. Twiller stepped down the icy stairs of the store and set on journey back home. But unfortunately for her the storm had already begun. The way home would now be a more frightening journey then before. Determined Ms. Twiller realized that having a negative attitude would get her nowhere. Her attitude was now more positive and she embraced the new quest as an exciting adventure. Wrapping her scarf around her mouth and nose so that she wouldn’t catch cold she set forth on the freshly laid snow through the forest letting McGuire lead the way. He always liked to lead the way, and he was a loyal, brave donkey who seemed to only care for Ms. Twiller and the left over scraps she would give him in the morning and again at the end of the day. Time flew as Ms. Twiller marveled at the beautiful setting that surrounded her. Before they knew it they were back home safe and sound. McGuire ate the apple that Ms. Twiller gave him; he walked himself back to the shed, laid down and fell asleep. Ms. Twiller went inside and began to bake the apple pie for Mr. Lioness.
Ding! The timer went off and the pie was ready. She put on her galoshes then her snowshoes and lastly her warm hat. Within the next half an hour Ms. Twiller had reached the front door of Mr. Lioness’ cottage. She pushed open the door and saw a bigger smile on Peter's face than she had seen in a long time. She cut him a piece of pie and poured him a glass of milk. They both sat down together and enjoyed the temped pie. It was late in the day and after they had both eaten their slices of pie Peter asked her to stay the night. Ms. Twiller accepted the offer and went up to bed in the guest room.
The next morning the sun rose earlier than usual and Ms. Twiller awoke to the smell of delicious raspberry muffins. She followed the scent downstairs to find Mr. Lioness baking eggs, sausage and his famous raspberry muffins. Peter assisted her into the chair as she had done for him many times before. The table was set for two, as Peter sat down Ms. Twiller politely thanked him for breakfast, gently sipped her coffee, and then savored what was placed in front of her; the smells, the whispering of the morning chill, and most of all she savored the time she was spending with her best friend, Peter. They both ate all their food but saved the muffins for last. As they sat their together they exchanged innocent glances and enjoyed the toasty muffins; for they both knew that these would be the last raspberry muffins they’d share, and that was okay.
Friday, October 3, 2008
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“You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences.” ~Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

awarded by amysplash

Note of interest:
Gavin wrote this story for Ms. Domanski's ELP class, Clayton Junior High. She gave the directions that Ms./Mrs./Miss Twiller was to be the character. She was to get from point A to point B (destination their choice), and use the form of transportation, a donkey or jet plane, also their choice. (He wrote the story in about 1/2 hours time, one draft.)
The rest is well, "his story".
Gavin, this is a great story. Props to you!!!
thanks for the touching story. sadly you've got me hooked and I want to know more about what happens to Ms. Twiller. I want her past, present and future, so give it another hour and right me the unabridged version!!
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