Jake just happens to be one of the amazing people in my life who makes me smile so much that my cheeks hurt. Talking about cheeks hurting, he is the king of wedgie wars; no I don't know personally, but my kids do. Jake has a way of taking life and making more than lemonaid. Jake, the brother that I told foreeeeevvvvvvvver that he was my twin, just really slow (two years) labor before he finally gave in. I think he believed me. Jake, who loves to read the books I love, who introduces me to the most fascinating music, concepts. Who never tires of talking manic politics, and sharing his idealistic views of the world.

Can you ever say that you miss another person so much in your life that when they are away a part of you is missing? I miss you Jake. I love your visits, your views, sharing your life adds dimensions to mine that stretch my intellect.
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