How's that, something happened to one of the boys in Alaska, and we ended up, all five of us, in my home for the first time in, oh, 10 years! It was amazing.
I remember Sheri coming to see me, and Suzanne was here for a visit from Arizona. The boys happened to come home from working in Alaska. I said, teasing Sheri. "Hey Jake, Sheri is here." He was in the back of the house, she was in the front room.
She laughed and said something like "shut up". I said, really, "Hey Jake, come, Sheri is here." She saw him and ran. Even with a back injury, he picked her up in a bear love hug.
Then we had Brian take a picture of the five of us.

I miss you all so much, being in different states. It is amazing to be with Kevin, Suzanne and Natalie, even for a brief moment in time. Love is the most amazing feeling, the healing power, making me whole. And the memories of so many good times:

Oh, the fun we have. Thanks to Neil (diamond), for his roadtrips, and the chicks (dixie chicks), for those are the ammo for my travel addictions. Suzie and I and a concert, what more could you want?
Natalie is so big, also amazing, as are my little ones at home, growing so fast. My biggest hope is that they will love one another... we, the Party of Five do! We are strong, together, we made it!!! And now, I can't wait to be home and embrace my five; so blessed! The sound of their voices this week are keeping me, the kissing hands they lavished upon me at the airport, Brian's phone calls and a lunch date to look forward to; and my counting the hours but enjoying the minutes. Home again soon enough.

1 comment:
All FIVE of you are WONDERFUL and so BEAUTIFUL/GOODLOOKING; even though a meant another kind of beautiful. Siblings full of love and fun. You are AMAZING to me.
Aunt Liz
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