Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back To School...

Clarissa started school
a day before the rest!

...nerves will make you grab a FORK instead
of a spoon for cereal!
I don't know how these kids are expected
to carry such big books and backpacks!!!

Second first day of school....
The traditional first day CUTE!

and Jeremy - THIRD Grade
...wishing that he was
going BACK to 2nd grade...-he tried so hard to be held back!!!

Alyssa and Sam...
6th and 5th
Rule the School!

[hiding her phone in her pocket...]

...a new drive to school
[dropping their sister off
at Junior High]

YEAH!!! Alyssa starts 6th grade!!!

Smiling....until I drop them all off,
then I can cry...
I don't know who is more nervous...

sam, jeremy, new crossing guard, alyssa

my youngest...THIRD grade!!! WHAT???

looking a little unsure...

...I don't blame him for looking that is how I am feeling inside too.

I am so thankful for the father's blessings that Brian gives the children the night before they begin school [for mine as well]. Without the comfort that I receive from them, hearing the expressions of love and growth, I could not do this.

I am one who LOVES summer break. I love having my children home with me, vacations, chill time, the library, walks, the park, swimming, bike rides, hikes, the lake, movies....just anything and everything that we can do because no one is telling us what to do. I don't enjoy having to follow some guideline and rule that my kids have to be somewhere ALL THE TIME, and then when you have your time with them they have to do REQUIRED WORK.
I think it is a terrible way to spend childhood.

Okay, school is not THAT bad, but I would rather have them home with me.

Sending them off to school, knowing that I am going to miss some of their growing up, and that I can't be part of every experience they have is AWFUL. I am so selfish, I want to be with them.

So, I drove past the High School, and imagined Gavin sitting between four walls for hours on end...I began to cry, again. Where has the time gone?

Clarissa is in Junior High, and she LOVES it. I don't think I will be talking her into home school anytime soon.

Sam is in 5th grade, and apprehensive but excited to be back with his friends. He missed them over the summer.

Jeremy would rather be home, or back in the 2nd grade. Nervous about chapter books, times tables, and growing up. I think I have successfully created the baby of the family in him. I guess I have to let him grow up, and celebrate his graduation from the childish things that I have him clinging to. But for now, I will sit and have a good cry, and thank God for their blessing my life so abundantly.

Gavin's in High School, having early morning Seminary was new to me and unexpectedly I let him leave the house WITHOUT a first day photo.
[It is much to much to think at 5:30 in the I wasn't thinking, I got a hug-- more important, and watched him walk away through my tears.]

He has been accepted to a medical field preparation program that is housed at his High School, but will give him University credits. He will be busy busy busy. He plans to run for school office, and is playing football. I hope he has room for us still...

[he walks home,
I guess I will have to give him
Slurpee Money everyday!!!]

The kids will all love school again...the art, the teachers, the many experiences an inner city school brings, culture, heritage, university influence...they are lucky.

Sam, Jeremy and Alyssa at Wasatch Elementary
We love our school!

a GREAT principal

Sam's Teacher, Mrs. Smith

The 6th Grade magicians...
Alyssa has Mrs. Hendry
[Clarissa's former teacher],
on the left

Mrs. Fuller, Jeremy's new teacher...

and now...

... it's my turn...Back to School today!!!


Amy said...

wow! good luck to all of you on a great year in school!

LeShel said...

i can't even think about school starting and yet i also can't wait... so mixed up...
love you

Liz said...

I've seen those eyes on Clarissa before...
So fun and so growing all too fast.
You look darn SEXY girl! Watch out for the freaks that might hit on you at the U.
I gave the same advice to your daughter.
Have GREAT school year!!!

si tu veux said...

Thanks. I have mixed feelings about back to school.

Loved my classes today!!! Kids are enjoying and seem happy [hard to get to bed last night...they have gotten used to partying...]

about the SEXY???? I am way to onry for that. btw...don't you love how your can tell your kids are growing up by how well you can see up your nose in the pictures they take. SCARY!!!

love ya ♥

wisthrop said...

Oh the days of going back to school. Miss them and glad they are over. Hope all is well. We love and miss you.

It"s me said...

I love Clarissa's hair! It is super cute cut like that! Good luck everyone at school! I know how you feel... I am returning back to school soon and I am not sure I am ready!

Proudfeet said...

Back to school, so exciting! You all look darling! Good luck with the new year!

suzie said...

We have to stop all this growing up stuff...are you with me?

Natalie wants to know... where are the pictures of Gavin's new smile? He is not showing his smile in his after-school picture?! Whats up with that? She cannot believe he is not smiling, did he do that on purpose?

As dictated...

my happiness!

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
Stacie Adamson's Facebook profile
“You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences.” ~Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley


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