Wednesday, December 7, 2011

a time to give

I had the privilege of driving some of Jeremy's class
to Primary Children's Hospital for a Field Trip!

His class raised money to buy material for making blankets.
They made 50-ish blankets to be given to the children
who need care.

The hospital workers told the children that the blankets are so wonderful because they can give them to children when they have to have procedures that are not very fun or comfortable. The blanket is comfy and happy and helps the kids when they have to experience those things.

Jeremy's class also donated games
and toys for the children's playroom.

Samantha told about getting a blanket when she had to be in the hospital for a long time. She remembered it made her feel better and even happy. She has had a lot of medical problems since she was born. This giving project made her feel so wonderful!

Samantha is in Jeremy's class :)

The hospital ladies explained how Primary Children's became a hospital for children. The Relief Society started it and called it Primary because that was also the name of the Church program for children :) [i could blog a book about this wonderful program and it's beginnings...maybe another day!]

She also told about the tiniest baby that was born and brought to Primary Children's.
The staff had a program that offered a brass hand of each tiny child to the parents. Often tiny baby's don't live and they wanted the parents to have something. This is the hand of the tiniest baby. This baby lived because of the care given by the amazing doctors at Primary Children's Hospital! [I am sure Heavenly Father had something to do with it too :) ]

I LOVED the part where she told the children that this baby's hand is open to remind us that these babies and children need us to give. The hand is open to remind us they need whatever we offer. They need us to give of time volunteering and other donations to make the miracles at Primary Children's happen!

This really made me happy and I can't stop thinking about what a great project that everyone can do. An opportunity to give a little back. It changed me. I know it changed Jeremy!

Jeremy came to me yesterday and told me that he doesn't really have a Christmas want list. He doesn't even have a need list, he said.
What he really wants is to give stuff to other people. He said that he thinks that is what Christmas is all about and that is the true JOY of Christmas time. He has all sorts of ideas about what he wants to give!

Merry Christmas to me,
and a lot of others who will benefit because he was so blessed by this experience!

I have a couple of holiday ideas sparking...

To Do [mental note to me as i write this, because i will forget :) ]
Make blessing bags and give them to people who are on street corners asking for help. Often they have a sign that says anything helps. Why not a zip lock with some crackers and candy, a drink box, some mittens, and a friendly note! maybe even a book....of mormon!

Like I said... er...Jeremy said, Christmas JOY is in giving!

Think of...

That's a start! I think it will be a very Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Tears of JOY!
Love this post! ♥♥♥

my happiness!

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“You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences.” ~Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley


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