Friday, December 6, 2013

Make it a GREAT day!

Make it a Good Day!
At my Grandfathers house-
the saying goes
a Good Day.
Good days don't just happen.
It is a choice,
and an effort.
 - Watch this video - it can change your life!
A Must-Watch For Anyone Frustrated With Growing Up

Watching this video today really exploded my heart!
We are all here together,
in this life....doing all we can
"in the day to day trenches"
"Have a nice day!" 
"The most obvious and important realities
 are often the ones
 that are the hardest to see and talk about"   
and ....*choices...can have "a life or death importance". 

define *CHOOSE: to select freely and after consideration
CHOOSE to Make it "a nice day!"
What I hope to consciously learn...and choose:
*it is not all about me
*my natural default settings need work
*no one is in my way
*i am not the center of the world
*people and traffic don't have to automatically annoy me
*people are just as frustrated as i am,
as lonely as i am, as sad,
and trying as hard as i am
to navigate their life
*some people have much harder,
more tedious,
more painful lives
than i could ever imagine
*it takes will
and effort to be aware of others
*choose to look differently at people
*choose to LOVE
*life doesn't have to be miserable
*it is in my power
to experience difficult situations
 as sacred opportunities
to love,
to fellowship,
and to be one with others
 experiencing their difficult situation
*I get to decide, to choose, how I see life, how I live life!


steveroni said...

How often I've wondered if life would not have been easier in the absence of "free will"...
Couldn't God have kept that for Himself--or maybe just given us a LITTLE bit of it?

No, I guess it is all or nothing. So here we are with daily DECISIONS. However, we have in our favor, that in order to lern we almost HAVE to make mistakes..How comforting is that?--grin!- Glad to "meet" you again, thanks for dropping by 4th Dimension Stacie!
Anna is GREAT, says "Hello to you!

Liz said...

Love you. Thanks for all your photos of all the things I couldn't even say goodbye to! ♥♥♥

my happiness!

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
Stacie Adamson's Facebook profile
“You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences.” ~Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley


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