Here he is standing by the ...over the fence...theme this year at Wasatch the theme is Whatever you Imagine...over the fence!
in Wasatch Elementary's Producation of
Whatever you Imagine...Is Possible RIGHT HERE!
Whatever you Imagine...Is Possible RIGHT HERE!

WHAT is so powerful as to make kids cry SOOOO hard?
Alyssa and Clarissa, above, because
this is Clarissa's last production at Wasatch
with Gary and Terry,
and Alyssa, because she has to do the play
next year without Clarissa.
No more tears...Gary says...
but who can't cry after you see what follows.

THIS POST IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION: I will continue to post I have moments to let them upload...thanks for the is taking time, but worth it to be able to share with those who want to see them...LOVE, me.
Why does it take so long to UPLOAD videos....arrrggggghhhh?
Friday night:
Over the course of the evening I will be posting parts of the play...for now I have to go play VIDEO GAMES with Gavin. He said he would blog 15 minutes with me for every 15 minutes I play with him. I think it is a is just a taste of the big event...
...make sure you notice
the LOOK Sam gives to Gary [at second 20...] in the video below,
it is subtle if you aren't looking for it.
Gary PROMISED that he would make sure Sam's microphone was on right away, and didn't get it as immediately as Sam began the play...Sam had to give him a LOOK, this is drama, isn't it?
I talked to Gary after the play...
he and I laughed at Sam's irritation.
becoming a professional actor that he is
he expects perfection by the third performance.
so funny!
For another video of Sam
from the parent performance
the night before,
or scroll down to Sam...
The parent performance one is great,
keep in mind,
I had given him a spoonful of brown sugar
to ward off any fret about the show,
and to make it fun for him.
He thought that was the greatest thing!
This next video's are actually
before Sam's part above.
Gary is the writer and director,
he explains a bit about the show
to the audience.
Then Gary ran over to his post, turn on Sam's microphone,
but didn't get there quick enough.
Sam, gave the look,
and then forgave...and had a great show!
this video [above] is from Fridays day performance
and below was from the TH night parent show:
then Sam... followed by the announcer
bringing on the stars...
I am a Star....
I am a Star in my life...
I play an active part in my life...
I choose the leading role!
click on the song above
to take you to the video...
or scroll down the ...I am a Star....
to watch the kids sing and dance

talking about his wings: Oh, the wings. It's part of the imagination process. Part of getting above it and letting yourself fly...they just show up, especially when I begin to dream and believe in myself. then: What if...what if your options were endless...lets say you had no boundaries and you truly believed in the part of you that says I CAN and you could freely let go of that little voice that says I CAN'T. Then...what could you imagine....just a thought.

and the boy...

[The Dream Weavers come down to help the boy while he is sleeping to dream to believe in himself.]
"You know our motto...Anything can happen in your dreams!"
Then the Dream Weavers say: Well, I think anything can happen when you dream and believe in yourself...But he seems so unsure....Hey!, ...Don't you think we could help a little this time?
Then they say together the Dream Weaver Code. That is except for the littlest Dream Weaver, who wants to help the boy...and do something more...she pretends to put her hand over her heart and does the whole yada yada thing during the entire code: "As an official Dream Weaver, I will never interfere with the dream creations of the dreamer. I may only assist in making the experience more believable in Oscar winning cinematography."
When the little dream weaver asks if they can fudge a little, the other two say:
The little dream weaver ways are pointed out to her: You never do things by the book, you always have to find a new way, a better way to do it...we have our code, our pledge....the same ways we have always done it...
Then...the little boy is off to bed...his mother says good night:
Boy: GOOD night...I don't know what is so good about it. I mean, here I am, end of another day, still too small to do much more than put on my pajamas and brush my teeth. I'm just too insignificant to make any kind of difference in this world. ....there are over 6 billion people on the planet...What difference could I possibly make. I'm just one voice...How could I possibly matter.
Then two little girls enter the stage and begin to sing a song, One Voice....just a bit of it...which is sung in full near the end.
The boy gets into bed...and the dream weavers enter the stage again, and head over the dream bridge to the boys bed...they say as they enter the realm of the's so heavy on this many worries, so many many doubts.
They talk about how the boy doesn't believe in himself, or see his own value...his possibility, his POTENTIAL.
Then they little dream weaver puts a cowboy hat on the boys sleeping head, and spreads wand dust...[video and pictures to come] and the boy has a dream about being small...but having potential...riding the open range. Cute country song and dance.
Moving on...The boy learns that he is small, but he has GOT POTENTIAL.
Then he says: I have value and potential and possibility. Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, even Bill Gates were kids once. They had a dream, an idea, and if they hadn't of believed in themselves we wouldn't have telephone, electric lights, computer games...
BUT... BUT...but, how do I do it. How do I accomplish anything at all. It would be much easier to not step out, just don't think about it.
Just be small and stay in a safe harbor. I don't know what to do. I just don't know. I just want to sleep.
The Dream Weavers talk about how the boy used the word escape word, an excuse word. Smells like FEAR...
Do you think they'll ever learn that what they imagine CAN become their reality.
They just have to put their ship on the ocean....and sail.
Phases and Changes...
...or scroll down to further post to see!

Boy: That was great!!! The wind in my face, the open sea, endless possibilities! And it's all up to me...I decide if I stay in the safe harbor or set my course for...well, ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. I am the captain of my future. I choose where I go and what I become in life. then he stops, and becomes doubtful again... But...what if I don't see myself as captain of my own ship. What if I don't see myself as great and able? When I look in the mirror all I see is a ....kid....small....not special...just a kid. [and he is back to bed] The dream weavers are talking...they say...He doesn't see himself as what he already is or wishes to become. He much ....less. He needs to know he is great and able. Well...let's just reflect on this a minute.. hum.....reflection....go with me on this girls.... What do you imagine? (singing)

boy: So, as I see myself in the mirror, is what I have created from what I believe about myself. True or untrue, it's my own beliefs of how other people see me. It all begins with how I see myself.
What image I have decided is real. But, how do it get there?
To that place, where I like who I see in the reflection and to that place where I want to end up? Do I just hang back and see what happens? Do I just leave it up to chance? Or do I get to have a part in creating it all? There are so many questions and I have no answers. I don't know. I just don't know.
The Dream Weavers...
This is the time in his life where he gets to plant the seeds of what he wants to become. He can't see it yet, because he hasn't planted the seeds.
Good seeds...bad seeds...They're all out there.
Yes, but it's up to everyone to choose the seeds they want to grow.
What you what you become....

THEN, the next song is a Rapp song..."Good Seed!!"
Boy: It's the basically...good stuff in, good stuff out. Bad stuff in, bad stuff out. Well, I can control that. I just have to pay attention everyday to what seeds I am letting in and then, I can grow or become what ever I want.
Seem's easy enough....but....there's so much out there...pressure, decisions, friends, expectations...things I'm afraid of...things that scare me...I don't think I can do this!!!! I don't think it's possible at all.
DreamWeavers: Red ALERT...RED ALert...We have a situation here...unexpected breach...Emergency protocol...quickly, wands to full power...FEAR IS ON THE PREMISES, I REPEAT, FEAR IS ON THE PREMISES...
Sam and Clarissa, together, below
portraying FEAR
I loved this part

then the Dream Weavers surround the boy, and banish the FEAR away.

They swoop in and protect him. Just like angels.
And the fear dissappears.
And then comes the part about LOVE, and taking care of each other, kids taking care of kids, parents taking care of kids, parents taking care of parents. And then the really fun part of the play...the reggae... And how we are all part of a big river, flowing into DA ocean.... Live is a is the giver.... Anyhow...GREAT video to's coming, it's coming...
Then, the Dream Weavers kind of put it all together.
We all have potential,
We all have to know that ANYTHING
can happen and that
Everything will happen
if we believe in ourselves,
and in others.
To have love,
not fear,
and faith to believe in me.
They say...People don't start problems and wars. Fear does. Fear of not having enough or being enough makes people misunderstand each other and assume. And when we assume, problems start.
Then the boy discovers that HE BELIEVES IN HIMSELF: I can see the possibility for change. A new world, a new outlook that I create by the choices I make starting today...starting right now!!!
I can do this. I know I can.
DreamWeavers: Dream Weaver Central...This is Dream Weaver one. Mission accomplished. We have success. The eagle has landed. I repeat...the eagle has landed.
Here is the next FAVORITE part,
where Clarissa and Sam both
sing and perform.
VIDEO COMING: I believe in myself!
Then the Dream Weavers come out alone.
They talk about how they have changed.
The littlest Dream Weaver comes out with the biggest wings...
and shows her new outfit, she designed...
They say...Mostly I'm glad we came to see eye to eye.
And that everyone here is just doing the best they can with what
they see in their own mirror.
And now, I see there is more than just one "Point of View" and I need
to always try to remember that.
We have to have diversity, and appreciation
for our differences,
and really love each other.

...then a few kids come out and sing One Voice.

Then the Dream Weavers say...You know...there may come a time
when they won't need us any more...
The Dreamers...
Only when they forget how wonderful they truly are.
Then...We'll come visit them in their dreams.
But, THIS is a new world.
A new season, coming into view,
A new scene, starring me and you,
A new canvas, on which to do ANYTHING...ANYTHING!
Then the whole group comes out and sings wHAT Do yOu iMAgINe together....

Announcer: So...What if...What if you options were endless...lets say, you had no boundaries...and you TRULY believed in the part of you that says "I CAN" and you freely let go of that little voice that says
Hmmmm, just a thought.
Oh, and by the way,
Have you noticed you own wings yet?

oh wait...what is a performance without congrats...and flowers...
or chocolate...if you are Sam, his daddy gave him a bar
of the DARKEST chocolate...yum!

Hello, are you there??? We want more... Natalie has already watched the "SAM" video a dozen times, if I have to hear I want to see it again one more time...please send reinforcements! No really, are the other videos done yet???
Clarissa is BEAUTIFUL!!!
(I guess we already knew that.)
So what else is new, like any new videos, PLEASE!
yes...i am here...the next video is taking forever...but I am trying to send you one through email. the one of Clarissa singing...I have the I am A Star trying to upload, and it is just so large that it is taking FOREVER...hang in there. I am hurrying. This next update has a lot of pictures and a ton of the story. I am typing as fast as I between sneaking bits of homework...[to keep the spys in their know how it is]. Love you. Thanks. Keep watching....
the race is on...your email, suzie, or here. let me know who wins!
The email seems to be going as slow, well, not AS SLOW....but, did you see THE LOOK that I was talking about that Sam gave Gary...
As the stage was being broken down today, Gary laughed so hard...he said that he tried to RUN over because he had promised Sam he would get his microphone on IMMEDIATLY. He just couldn't run fast enough, so Sam was glaring at him...I want to upload the video from last night of Sam, if I can ever GET BACK IN TO IT...because you HAVE to see the difference. So cute both ways...but I will post it a later day.
looks like it is getting CLOSER ♥
call me...
Wonderful!! Thanks for sharing. I so wish I could have been at the musical. Your kids did fantastic and looked wonderful. How great it must have been to sit back with grandpa, the rest of the fam and enjoy the play!
Thank you so much for taking your Friday night to create this most beautiful post. We have been enjoying it so much. It is a wonderful play and I am crying my eyes out and apparently loud and hard enough to wake up Kevin, he was worried about me, I had to tell him it was a good cry, but truthfully it is a most excellent cry. However now I am off to the orthodontist, with puffy red eyes, blotchy face and a runny nose.
But, I will be back, after all of the Saturday chaos -which I thrive on, I can't wait to come back and look at the pictures, read it all again and watch the videos a dozen more times with Natalie. I am really regretting not coming out...should have been there, wish I would have been there. I could have worked it out, oh no more crying, gotta go. Love you more.
Hey, si tu veux, remember me. I'm Steve E., and I've spent the past hour or so perusing your dite, the photos, the videos, the actors, acting, costumes, lines, and all I can say is, "SOME SHOW. Every so often I see one of the young ones who look like you, so I realized I'm still on the correct blog.
You've done a lot of work here, Stacie, and your children will appreciate this kind of stuff for many years, as will THEIR children!
And hubby is a handsome dude, girl. Thank you for letting us share in a piece of your life here.
Steve E.
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