We love this holiday!!!
...the milk is dyed green by the leprechauns [thanks to Wendy...]
...the kids get to eat Lucky Charms...
We have Corned Beef and Cabbage, with Green Jello, Green Koolaid, Green Beans, Green Grapes, Kiwis, Pistachio Pudding...
Anything Green goes..
And it is all Brian's fault...for making St. Patrick's Day such a big deal when we were dating. He got permission to decorate my room. With about one hundred green and white balloon clouds, the rainbow and the pot o gold...with chocolate gold coins, of course...
He wrote a card that said, You'll never forget St. Patricks Day again...

and I haven't.
The kids have been officially brainwashed to think of this holiday up there with Christmas, and their birthdays...
SO, HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY... Hope yours is fun.
I would love any suggestions on how you celebrate...for next year. Thanks...
Hope Patty's day was nice. Anthony put green streaks in his hair and loved the attention.
I thought that he did that in the hospital room??? I am probably tripping, but I have a memory of a photo of a balloon rainbow while you were laying in bed after your surgery.
Am I morphing memories???
Or was this after the transport...
Or what?
Inquiring minds need clarification.
Oh did you see Reese on Leno tonight? She loves zip lock baggies just as much as we do.
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