Almost There!

and her friend from England.
From left, Vanessa C.-YW President, Clarissa, Sister Johnson
and Jenny[ her friend]

I love the way they put the flames for every value.
If you think you know the values for Young Women
[including the NEW value - color GOLD]
comment them all,
don't peak at others answers until
you have done your OWN.
I am curious.
And I am making this a game,
because I would have to go to Clarissa's room
to cheat myself to get them all in order.
Or I could just check the chapstick Sister Johnson
gave us before we went in.
She is so darling and so very sweet.
I am so relieved that you dressed modestly...
Great pictures, and great memory for you both. The values game, I knew them 15 years ago, let's see
divine nature
individual worth
choice and accountability
good works
and integrity
Are they still the same??? Or have values changed??? Okay semi-funny. Don't ask me the colors, I mean what more do you want from me?
Anyway, hard to believe that I was once a Beehive/MiaMaid/Laurel President!!!
Let's see...
I have no clue, since I have never been called to work in the Young Women's
We were
Beehives –
Gaynotes –
Golden Gleaners-
I think there were some more names
Did we have a theme? We had work to do and we wore our lovely green bandalows with all the awards and jewels so proudly, until we were about 16 then it was down right embarrassing. Hey, I still have mine packed away with the rest of my past life.
Historical Information ~ long forgotten by me.
Upon entering the Beehive program, each girl was required to memorize the Spirit of the Hive, the Beehive motto: “On my honor each day I will have faith, seek knowledge, safeguard health, honor womanhood, understand beauty, know work, love truth, taste the sweetness of service, feel joy.”
The Beehive program included three ranks: Builders in the Hive, Gatherers of Honey, and Keepers of the Bees. To achieve each rank, girls were required to fulfill 14-16 foundation requirements and 36 additional requirements of their own choosing. At one time there were 373 requirements to choose from. Here are a few sample requirements:
Care successfully for a hive of bees for one season and know their habits.
Sleep out-of-doors or with wide-open windows.
During three consecutive months, abstain from candy, ice cream, commercially manufactured beverages, and chewing gum.
Clear sagebrush, etc. off of a half acre of land.
Care for at least two kerosene lamps daily.
Without help or advice, care for and harness a team of horses at least five times; drive 50 miles in one season.
Identify 12 kinds of lace and tell the reasonable price and appropriate use of each.
During two weeks, keep the house free from flies or destroy at least 25 flies daily.
In the 1960’s, some of the requirements to earn emblems for the Beehive bandalo included:
Strive to get your full nine hours beauty sleep each night this month. Make it a habit!
Increase your self-confidence by acquiring a good posture (sitting, standing, and walking.)
Politeness in all things is the mark of a lady. Practice at home being considerate and polite. Learn to accept directions graciously. Conscientiously try to improve.
Make the dinner hour joyous by improving table manners of the entire family.
Look for something beautiful every day for two months.
alright you got the current ones correct...ding ding, we have a WINNER...except they have added the value of VIRTUE...hence, my modesty, and removing three of my five piercings, at the BEGGING of my daughter. Hence I don't embarrass her by being so rebellious.
Young Womens is already infiltrating her...
Virtue's color is Gold...
I don't know the other colors off hand, but Sister Johnson gave me a chapstick with them so I will cheat and get back to you.
Aunt Liz, YOU WIN for being able to remember all that. I am impressed. I don't even remember the Young Womens theme, I guess I would have had to go,...not as diligent as my sister I guess....didn't help that I was....well we wont get into the trouble I was getting into when I should have been at YW.
It is so funny to stand up every Sunday as a Counselor in Relief Society with the Young Women there and not be able to repeat the theme. It seems that EVERYONE knows it but me. AND THEY ARE ALL STARING AT ME...probably thinking, what is she doing up there...
Wow, you had to know TOO much. No wonder that you turned out so wonderful. I love you both.
Yeah, I know them. Faith, divine nature, individual worth, knowledge, choice and accountability, good works, integrity, and virtue. I wouldn't have known the last but I'm in Young Women's now. I still remembered the others from a million sundays of repeating it.
How cool is that you were able to attend inside? That would be a wonderful experience with your daughter!
You remember my famous Fortune Cookie that said "If you lack wisdom, consult the Internet". Well, I looked up most of the past information that I had forgotten thus religiously following my "good" fortune. :O]
We were taught some pretty strict manners and things to do and not to do. My mom went around American Fork and taught manners classes to all the MIA girls(she was considered the expert, thanks to her knowledge and the teachings of her mother). We must have at least be taught, even if it didn't stick.
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