First TOOTH...

A quickly written...ha ha...note to ask
the tooth fairy if he could KEEP his
tooth and still get the money.
this is the bed where my tooth is
leave the money and my tooth...
OR ELSE, [jk, i added that part]
love samuel
[click on the picture to see it big]
OF COURSE, who can say no to this sweet boy...
Last nights events....telling all
about how he ripped them out.

True to Sam's comment
[my new little blogger]
he DID NOT stay up to 10 pm wiggling
his tooth out...he ripped it out
around 7:30....and to SAVE the
tooth fairy a trip back tomorrow,
he ripped out the other one...
Two teeth in two hours...
[well, less than two hours].
Happy with his NEW LOOK!

He did hop out of bed to remind
me that he is TEN years old,
and this was his 10th tooth lost...
Jeremy is SEVEN, he says,
and he has lost 7 teeth.
Who would have thought?
Well, Sam would have, ...and he did...
thanks Sam....but you didn't
have to get back could
have just left me
a comment later...
love you buddy...
hope the TOOTH FAIRY
was good to you...
I hope you got some tissues
for all the bleeding you are doing...

A quickly written...ha ha...note to ask
the tooth fairy if he could KEEP his
tooth and still get the money.
this is the bed where my tooth is
leave the money and my tooth...
OR ELSE, [jk, i added that part]
love samuel
[click on the picture to see it big]
OF COURSE, who can say no to this sweet boy...

Last nights events....telling all
about how he ripped them out.

[my new little blogger]
he DID NOT stay up to 10 pm wiggling
his tooth out...he ripped it out
around 7:30....and to SAVE the
tooth fairy a trip back tomorrow,
he ripped out the other one...
Two teeth in two hours...
[well, less than two hours].

me that he is TEN years old,
and this was his 10th tooth lost...
Jeremy is SEVEN, he says,
and he has lost 7 teeth.
Who would have thought?
Well, Sam would have, ...and he did...
thanks Sam....but you didn't
have to get back could
have just left me
a comment later...
love you buddy...
hope the TOOTH FAIRY
was good to you...
I hope you got some tissues
for all the bleeding you are doing...
that's cute. those are two of the ones that nic is working on. He's got the right one out but needs to finish off that left one. He worked extra hard on the right one so that he'd have cash to spend at school.
I love my little Sammers, oh wait, I mean my (getting too) big Sammers. He is so handsome. I love his freckles.
He is the one who taught Natalie to leave a note for the tooth fairy. Such a cute idea.
Hope that Gavin is feeling better -I did not know he was ill.
The toothfairy gets really tired as she gets older and weird things happen...
Cute cute kids!
God is surely smiling on this wonderful family. Thanks for the pictures, and for letting some of us "be a part of" in reading of some of the happenings around your home.
"Great, great, great Uncle Steve E." in Naples FL
NOTE: My blood relatives ALL call me US (Uncle Steve)...isn't that neat?
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