and Gavin joined this past week.
Jeremy has been collecting hugs since first grade, ...maybe kindergarten. They are good for collecting, they don't have to be dusted...if you hug enough, and they don't take up much space.
Today Jeremy gets into the car and says: I am so thankful for the wind.
Me: Really
Jeremy: Yeah, Olivia C. was so scared. She thought there would be a tornado and told me to protect her. I did, in my arms. I got the biggest hug I ever got.
Me: Cool.
Hey, what else could I say.

which he lost...check out
this post: Sam I Am... Green Eggs and Ham
to see his toothless smile. We are SOOO proud!!!
And Gavin...well, I will save his "hug club" story for another time.
Si Tu Veux!
Ah! Children. I'm gonna Email you a photo of my daughter riding in front cab of a big fire truck...
What else is there for our pride to show forth wthout being totally about self?
Glad to have found you again, Stacie.
Steve E.
I want a hug!
I'm definitely not ready for my girls to grow up.
Thanks for all the comments you make on my blog. We are all fine. Thanks for asking. We are headed to Washington D.C. after Mike gets off work tonight to spend Saturday at the temple. I'm looking forward to it because it has been too long since we've made it to the temple.
Have a good weekend! Love ya.
Oh what we do without Olivia C.?
He is classic! And I can tell you will have your hands full in years to come! I just love taht toothless smile!
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