i couldn't wipe the smile from her face if I tried.

again, such an example to me...
[look into her eyes, ahhhh]
this time parking in the conference center...

I guess the heels are a bit rough for
my little girl....
RUNNING back to the temple
can't get there quickly enough...:)

such enthusiasm

WHAT TIME IS IT???? [8:30 pm]
calling Brian: "I thought you two were dead!"

Well, Clarissa's first time doing Baptisms anyway.
It all began with her BEGGING me a month ago to take her to do baptisms. We got our recommends, her and I together, one Sunday. I haven't been to the temple in a LONG time. Really had a lot to overcome to get there. And not that I feel like I am completely ready for this new endeavor, but I believe that attending the temple will continue to strengthen me as I choose to overcome much in my life.
There, that said, we got our recommends. I lost mine. Immediatly. So weeks went by with contention between the two of us. Me trying like crazy to find it. Explaining to Clarissa that maybe the time wasn't right for me. Her saying, Mom, you just don't care or want to go. Me explaining to her how Satan uses contention to divide good people. Her and I arguing over so many things. I finally said to her that when we found it it would probably be in my scriptures, and with a scripture that she and I needed to understand what was going on with us.
She decided that it was NEVER going to happen, so she gave up talking about it. Then on Wednesday of last week she was heading over to Aunt Colleens to spend the night for Brian and my date night. She had to run back over for her Young Womens value book, and her scriptures. I put on my coat to go meet Brian and checking the pockets, found my recommend. What a surprise. It was with a scripture. A SCRIPTURE. Luke 1:27, "With God all things are possible."
WOW, talk about finding it with a scripture. SO I was able to show it to her. I had found it. She sheepishly looked at me and said. Mom, I don't know if I can find mine now. I had to laugh.
Also, I am leaving something out of the adventure which is greatly important. She had come to me earlier on Wednesday and said, Mom, I did something wrong, and I feel awful about it. I talked to her about repentance and the atonement, and we prayed together. I told her that with the atonement you have to be willing to completely give it to our Savior, and NEVER take it back. She was ready. It had been weighing her down, causing her own contention, her anger toward me had this to give ammunition. It was interesting to realize as a mother that often children take out their frustration on you when truth is they need you so much to work through a problem that is within them. I learned a lot, and I share this because I feel that as parents we all have a lot to learn TOGETHER.
So, we worked this out. And planned our first trip to the temple for Saturday.
We got up early, showered and dressed, and we were off. The trip, as you can see above, was amazing. The drive, peaceful and engaging. What a beautiful day it was.
We arrived at the temple, and enjoyed the grounds for a bit. Then we entered the temple, turned in our camera, and prepared for the experience.
Clarissa was sweet, and meek and humble. Such an example to me. We had talked a lot about what she was doing and she was very prepared to think of the people who had waited so long for this. The people were so kind to her, asking her if this was her first time, and upon replying yes, they explained things to her and took the extra time to give her the appreciation for being there to do the work for those who are passed on.
I enjoyed seeing the experience through her eyes. I wondered how she would handle the dressing room and shower experience, being so modest as she is. And with her flair for fashion I didn't think she would go for the jumpsuit idea.
We went through again. As we were dressing, she asked, "Can we go again?"
Of course I said yes. The kind temple workers were so impressed with my little girl. She was so reverent, and had such a perspective of why she was there.
We went for our clothing. Went through, and she asked, "Can we go again?'
Fourth time through. I was thinking, how many showers can my body take with the soap they have...smelled good anyhow.
This time I left my key to our locker on my suit. We had to dig through the laundry to find it. I thought for sure she would want to kill me at that point. In her towel helping to find the key. But she was so sweet, so peaceful, and with no contention didn't even give me a LOOK. She was amazing, and kind, and so without a worldly feeling at all.
We get dressed and she says: "Can we go again?" I am thinking FIVE times. You have to be kidding me. This time I say to her, "Are you going to want to go through again after this time, because we might as well get two sets of clothing." I am thinking so that we don't have to get dressed and undressed. Mind you my body is much older than hers, and this is becoming interesting to say the least.
So we get two orders of clothing, they are running out of our sizes.
It is funny to be with her. She is becoming more comforatable with the process, as we now use seperate dressing rooms, and she has HER OWN KEY.
We go through the fifth time. Each time I go first, and she interupts the flow of boy girl and comes right after me. I hand her her towel and we go in to shower.
The last time she says to me, "I will go first." I am amazed as I watch her go up first, and sit alone. I will never forget the peace I saw in her, I will want to draw a picture from my memory of her sitting there. It will be in my mind and heart forever. She goes through, then I go. To look up and see my daughter standing there. Amazing. She hands me my towel this time, and I think, what strength she is to me in my life.
She is a beautiful young woman, and has much ahead of her in her life. I follow her example in so many things, and know that she came here to save me from myself. I am so thankful for her.
I know this is a personal reflection of our time together. But in journaling I couldn't help but to do a reflection here, something that I will save forever. In my heart, and not permantly recorded.
Love you my Clarissa. Thank you for being my angel, my friend. My sister, my daughter. You are beautiful, sweet, meek and mild. I love you.
It is so neat to read this experience! We went to the temple on Saturday as well, and there is really nothing like it! Such a great experience! I cannot believe she is old enough to being doing that already! You need to give me a heads up for little Jeremy's baptism, next month right?
It is so neat to read this experience! We went to the temple on Saturday as well, and there is really nothing like it! Such a great experience! I cannot believe she is old enough to being doing that already! You need to give me a heads up for little Jeremy's baptism, next month right?
It is so neat to read this experience! We went to the temple on Saturday as well, and there is really nothing like it! Such a great experience! I cannot believe she is old enough to being doing that already! You need to give me a heads up for little Jeremy's baptism, next month right?
that's living the in the moment. thanks for letting me take a breath with you, even though it is from afar
That was so incredibly sweet. Clarissa looks so beautiful and grown up. I remember my first time...doing baptisms. I was her age, a world away, in the L.A. temple, I will never forget it.
Thanks for reminding me to come to your other site. Beautiful pictures and it sounds like such a wonderful experience for you and your daughter.
I can see your features in her face - you two certainly look like mother and daughter. And you both look very pretty and happy.
Love you,
It's looks as beautiful and wonderful as it sounded when you called me late that night. She is such a treasure and so is her mother.
Love you both.
Aunt Liz
So glad to hear about both of your experiences in and out of the temple. Thanks for sharing such a cherished moment.
The first time I did baptisms was in the Salt Lake temple too. There's something so special about being in the temple that was built by the hands of the pioneers. Every time I touch something I silently thank them for their sacrifices. Anyway, it was amazing.
Beautiful photos of the Temple. And beautiful photos of the mother and daughter...just soending a few moments here brought me close to heaven. Peace. Happy. Sober.
What a wonderful day for the two of you. We went to the D.C. temple that same day. It was a beautiful day of course, but it made me miss the Salt Lake Temple a little because they hadn't yet planted any spring flowers nor had any tulips bloomed so thanks so much for sharing a few photos of the flowers as well!
Also, I love the polka dot skirt! Clarissa a so grown up. Thanks for sharing.
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