B-Best Friend: My Husband!
C-Cake or Pie: Pumpkin Pie every time!
D-Day of Choice: Sunday
E-Essential Item: CHOCOLATE, of course.
F-Favorite Color: Hunter Green and Sunflower Yellow!
G-Greatest Accomplishment: My Children
H-Hometown: American Fork
I-Indulgences: DATE NIGHT!
J-January or July: January
K-Kids: 3 boys, 1 daughter
L-Life is incomplete without: Family, Friends, The Gospel & L♥ve
M-Marriage: Yes, please!
N-Number of Siblings: 11
O-Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P-Phobias or fears: being this disorganized forever!
Q-Quotes: "Always think of things on an Eternal perspective!"
(hence the fear of being disorganized...)
R-Reason to Smile: faith and forgiveness
S-Season: Fall
U-Unknown facts about me: I eat fries alone in my car, use air freshener to cover up the smell because I have raised my kids to think fast food is disgusting. Whenever I get caught they say, "EWWWW, whats that smell." "Fast food" I say," gross, huh."
V-Very favorite store(s): Book stores (second hand especially - I love the inscriptions in old books), consignment shops, and antique.
W-Worst habit: Stressing, yelling at my kids. SWEARING, thinking my kids wont understand what i said.
we interrupt this TAG to bring you this:
[thinking of unknown facts, worst habits and things I probably shouldn't share.]
Sam came home asking what camel toe is.
I won't go into the WAY TO LONG explanation that Brian gave him, or the fact that he has been asking for a month, and Brian has been putting it off; or the advice Brian was given at work on how to tell his son.
Also, you DON'T want to see the pictures he drew [quick explaination, they were all of animals feet, up to the camels foot/toe, and then a few of...well go ahead, imagine]!
...best yet, you don't want to visualize Brian pulling his pants up really high to give him an effective, Sam will never be the same, example of it.
Brian, at near the end of this fabulous lesson in words we wish our kids never had to understand, explained that camel toe is like a sign.
Follow me:
He goes on to say, like the loser sign; is the L.
Which brings us to things our kids should never learn from us:
Jeremy: Oh, I know dad, you mean like when mom holds her three fingers up and says, "Read between the lines." You know how if you take away these two fingers it means......
Dad interrupting him: (how he can respond without busting up is beyond me), Yes, Jeremy, exactly. And again, NOT one of the things that you should do just because OTHER PEOPLE (including your MOTHER) do it.
Now back to our TAG!
X-X-ray or Ultra Sound: X-rays and Ultrasounds, too many!
Y-Your favorite food: Mexican, and Vietnamese
Z-Zodiac: Leo
I now TAG:
Amy and Mike,
Jared and Stacie,
Sarah and Ben,
Katrina and Jon,
Curtis and Nicole,
and Aunt Liz....you can email me.
Have FUN!
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