i eye spy with my little eye...sam's nose [he is the middle wiseman]

First thing first, this was Clarissa's last year in the Nativity.
I will never forget the year that we painted the Nativity scenery on large cardboard pieces from the old Granite Furniture store in Sugarhouse. I never would have thought that 11 years later the primary kids would still be using it; nor that I would have a daughter turning twelve, and in her last Primary Nativity. Time flies.
Friday night was the ward Christmas Party. The children participated, yet again, in the reading of the Christmas story from the scriptures.
Clarissa had been asked to be a Wiseman, not enough boys, and definitely NOT what she anticipated being. PLAYING A BOY, what were these leaders thinking...
When time came for the program the girl who was asked to be Mary had not shown up. Clarissa was then asked to be Mary.
My sweet Clarissa, beaming from ear to ear...she wasn't going to have to be the Wiseman. But then, she looked over at Danielle. Danielle looking at Clarissa, Danielle in the pretty angel costume. Danielle wanted SOOO badly to be Mary. Clarissa has been Mary once before, my last year as Primary President [I finally gave in, and let my daughter be Mary, after all her years of longing, and me choosing others to be Mary.]
Clarissa knew that look, the look in Danielle's eyes. She said, "Danielle, do you want to be Mary?" Quiet Danielle, barely able to even nod yes. So I said, "Danielle, You want to be Mary, don't you?" "Yes." Again, I could barely hear her.
So Clarissa began to take off the costume for Mary, and trade Danielle for the Angel costume. The pretty angel costume. Not a bad trade. At least it wasn't the Wiseman.
BUT THEN...the primary leaders said, "OH CLARISSA, not an angel. WE NEED A WISEMAN."
I thought Clarissa would start to cry right then and there. She was back to being a BOY. YUCK. Clarissa has enough of boys, just surviving childhood with THREE brothers.
But, she put on the wiseman costume. Little did I know until the curtain rose that they had BEARDS for the wiseman. So humiliating. Poor Clarissa, who kept looking out at me during the entire program, with yearning eyes. Pleading MOM SAVE ME. And me, who could not be reverent for even a minute because I was laughing so hard at Sam; SAM, who you can barely even see his nose through the costume.
So take another look at the pictures...you thought Jeremy was the only one with the silliness. And take another look at Mary. Mary, who was meek, and Joseph who was mild. And know that this, the BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER, was the one where my little daughter, sat, in a Beard, looking at precious Mary, holding her baby, and knowing that this IS what Christmas is.
...Giving what you want most right now [to be a GIRL in the program], for what you want most [to know that you gave up something you wanted for someone else.]
Love and hugs to Clarissa♥
And it truly was
the BEST. Christmas. Pageant. EVER.
And it truly was
the BEST. Christmas. Pageant. EVER.
Clarissa I love you, you are amazing. You are such an example to me! And you know behind every wise man is an even wiser women. It's true, look it up. Sam, I wish I could see your handsome face...And Jeremy every time I see your cute face, it makes me smile.
Way to go Clarissa! You were so kind and then you had to wear a beard, be a boy and be a "WISE ACRE" on Saturday morning at our ward party Kim had to be a wiseman and for several days I kept calling him a "Wise Acre". He did not have a beard, however, he looked pretty good all decked our in his wise clothes. I have called his a wise acer several times since that lovely, wat too early morning.
Love you,
Aunt Liz
That is a wonderful tradition!
What a fun memory! Thanks for sharing.
That is super fun! And very cute to watch! Yea Clarissa!
Now that I have seen Clarissa's blog on this even I hate to tell you; however, she trumped yours. How hilarious it is and yet still so sweet. You have such a special daughter.
Love you,
Aunt Liz
I just had a brilliant thought. I wonder if the people of the non-mormon culture think that when we refer to our ward that we live in a certain place in the city. Like the ninth ward area of New Orleans that "Katrina" was so devestating in. I know not so brilliant, however, I had a thought.
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