4 Lessons Learned
After 2008, I thought my life was over-
especially my physical life.
I was so wrong.
Since then, I've learned four hard-won lessons about life:
1. God is e...
2 days ago
my rhapsody...Si Tu Veux
Oh, how I love this!!!
T H A N K S ! ! !
I love this, too, stacie.
It's funny, but wherever I go, love just seems to BE there. Even like tomorrow, I'll take my bike to the mechanic, and I'll feel love. Who would have thought?
But it just takes a smile, on my part, and some friendly, enthusiastic words, and suddenly, people are eating out of my hand, like they are pigeons. And I feel God's Presence, nearly everywhere. Strange! But it IS happening. Hopefully for you it is happening also. I can almost 'hear it' in your blogs...especially THIS one.
Thank you SO much for allowing me here.
Steve E.
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