Saturday, January 10, 2009
My Brain is on Vacation!
I don't really want to admit the facts so I will just say that I am on Break, on Vacation, in Time of these excuses works, ....right. I just don't have it in me to think a thought, and put into words life right now. I can't sleep, don't really find eating interesting....and am useless while I recover from the surgery....besides being a bit under the weather mentally; well, maybe more than a bit. Anyhow....we are still here. The kids are loving me being in recovery. They get away with so much,... like for instance....the boys, who at 6 pm tonight were still at the neighbors house playing the Wii. Also where they got fed lunch and dinner. Did I know they were missing? No. I was drifting in and out of sleep. My first clue was when the dog needed to go out and I could smell TAG from the kitchen ....when I asked Clarissa where that smell was coming from she announced that Jeremy had drown himself in it prior to going to Bekah and Sarah's house. They were there for about 7 hours! Sorry Eve. And then Gavin...who caught a ride to the Canyons....when Brian got home from work I asked him, hey, where is Gavin? He didn't know....why didn't I know....I have been the one home all day. I said, I think he went snowboarding...but here it was dinnertime. Brian said, he is eating dinner. I say, where. Brian says, I don't know, whereever you let him go today. [He called and asked if he could stay for dinner.] That much Brian knew. Oh my. It is good that I don't have to do this recovery thing often. Lucky for me everyone is now home and safely tucked away...and me. Not able to sleep. Why would I be able to ....I have been sleeping all day.
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“You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep a record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences.” ~Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley

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Hi, I called and checked in earlier today and Clarissa know where everyone was and what they were doing. You can relax and let your family take care of you, they are capable and love you. I love you, we miss you and wish we could take care of you too.
AAAHHH!!! When you said you put the link on here I did not think that it was MY link! WooHoo!
Love you. I am rambling and I can't take anything for pain since it makes upchuck or worse. Tired of pain and it is a good thing no one is home for me to be in chrage of. I am tired of the pain, totally orney, not interested in food, mean, bored, crying; can't even put on my own degree or bra... I hope you are feeling some what better today.
Love you so much. We should have rented a hotel room and had room service and moaned, cried, and pucked together. Misery loves company so someone says.
I agree with Suzie, you've taught those kids to be awesome and they totally are. Rest when you can and when you can't spend time with someone who loves you. I'm leaving that wide open as to who, it mst be someone who loves you though!
We know what you have been going through in our little house! Hope you are back and at em soon!
did this first say, 'my brian is on vacation!'??? i swear that's how i read it???
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